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  • Having served the unmik under the UN mandate now intend to have a private trip.

Having served the unmik under the UN mandate now intend to have a private trip.

By MOHAMMAD NASIR   For India Sep 08,2024

Under my Indian official passport I have been a member of the United Nations and represented my country India as an UNPOL under the CP# 13391 for the stabilisation of the situations under the banner of United Nations mandate and guidelines during the years 2004-2005 and have served the Gjilane Region with my selfless and under the professional character as a team leader.Since my period of service has remained quite satisfactory and successful from the point of my assigned duties and responsibilities.The country is beautiful its natural resources and lovely people from different culture and languages .Now after retirement from my active government service I intend to visit the beautiful country on my private trip to cherish my old sweet memories after visiting the beautiful locations .As now I am holding a valid Indian passport with valid USA visa , Bangladesh visa and Turkey e visa paper. I may please be guided about my travel to pristine Kosovo as I should be travelling from New Delhi international airport to turkey on my valid e visa .Please let me know if I need any kind of permission to travel to Kosovo beyond my turkey visit on my general valid Indian passport.
Thanking you,

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