Visa Enquiry for visit to Florence Italy

By Chantel Bond   For Ireland Nov 02,2023

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Chantel Bond, a South African resident currently living and working in Ireland under a Stamp 4 EU Fam permit, while still utilizing my South African passport for travel.

I am planning a brief getaway to Pisa and Florence, Italy, scheduled for January 2024 with a small group of friends.

I am writing to seek guidance regarding the visa requirements for South African citizens living in Ireland. Specifically, I would like to know if I need a visa to travel to Italy for this visit and the most straightforward procedure for applying.

Additionally, could you please provide me with a contact telephone number in Ireland that I can call should I have any further inquiries or require assistance in the application process?

I appreciate your assistance in this matter.

Yours sincerely,

Chantel Bond

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