Brazilian Consulate in Mendoza, Argentina

You will find information such as contact info, email, website address, opening hours and direction to the Brazilian Consulate in Mendoza. The Embassy helps the government of Brazil to maintain cordial economic, political, cultural, social and other transnational ties with the government of Argentina.

Head of Mission :
Mr Carlos Alberto Ribeiro Reis, Consul

Consular Services:

Visa and Passport
If you want to know more about the types of Visas for your travel to Brazil or more information, you can get more information Brazil Visa.

Visa Types Granted By Brazil Are;

 In case you need some references, here are a few articles that could be beneficial.

Brazil Representation in Argentina
Brazil is well represented in Argentina by Brazilian Consulate in Mendoza andBrazilian Honorary Consulate in Bahia Blanca,Brazilian Honorary Consulate in Catamarca,Brazilian Consulate General in Cordoba,Brazilian Honorary Consulate in Rosario,Brazilian Honorary Consulate in Salta,Brazilian Honorary Consulate in San Carlos de Bariloche,Brazilian Honorary Consulate in Santo Tome,Vice Consulate of Brazil in Puerto Iguazu,Vice Consulate of Brazil in Paso de los Libres,Embassy of Brazil in Buenos Aires,Brazilian Honorary Consulate in Resistencia . The Brazilian Embassy is located in the capital city of Argentina and may (may not) provide the same services of the Brazilian consulate located in another city. It is crucial to call for direction.

Argentina Representation in Brazil
Argentina is also well represented in Brazil by Argentine Embassy in Brasilia,Argentine Consulate in Belo Horizonte,Argentine Consulate in Curitiba,Argentine Consulate in Florianopolis,Argentine Consulate in Foz do Iguacu,Argentine Consulate General in Porto Alegre,Argentine Consulate in Recife,Argentine Consulate General in Rio de Janeiro,Argentine Consulate in Salvador,Argentine Consulate General in Sao Paulo,Argentine Consulate in Uruguaiana . The Argentina Embassy is located in the capital city of Brazil and may (may not) provide the same services of the Argentinian consulate located in another city. It is crucial to call for direction.

Brazil and Argentina Representation in the World
Both countries have good bilateral relationships and they are well represented in different countries around the world. Brazil has 324 Embassies and Consulates worldwide while Argentina has 133 Embassies and Consulates worldwide.

Extensive research was done to put correct information on this page, also note that we frequently check and make sure this page is always up-to-date. However, we will not accept responsibility or liability for any mistake or omission on any of the information contained on this page.

* It might case this information is no longer correct, please help us to Update Embassy Information.

The purpose of your intended travel (Tourist, Business, Studies or etc) and other facts will determine what type of visa is required under Brazil immigration law. As a visa applicant, you will need to establish that you meet all requirements to receive the category of visa for which you are applying.

Brazilian other Embassies, Consulates and representations in Argentina

Along with the Brazilian Consulate in Mendoza, Brazil also has  11  other representations in Argentina as:


Brazilian Honorary Consulate in Bahia Blanca, Argentina

Zapiola 185
8000 Bahía Blanca (Buenos Aires)

(+54) 291 452 0505
(+54) 291 454 0599

(+54) 291 454 0599




Brazilian Honorary Consulate in Catamarca, Argentina

Ruta Nacional N° 38, S/N°
San Isidro, Valle Viejo
4707 Catamarca

(+54) 3833 440 211
(+54) 3833 440 227

(+54) 3833 441 002




Brazilian Consulate General in Cordoba, Argentina

Av Ambrosio Olmos 615, B
5000 Córdoba

(+54) 351 468 5812
(+54) 351 468 5919

(+54) 351 468 5539




Embassy of Brazil in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Cerrito 1350
C1010ABB Buenos Aires

(+54) (11) 4515-2400

(+54) (11) 4515-2401